Suffering from Headaches / Migraines in Bentonville?
Do you wake up with headaches? Sore jaw? You may be clenching your back teeth while you sleep. Often patients come in complaining of sore jaws, teeth and terrible headaches but don’t realize their dentist is someone with the tools to fix this for them! At Bentonville Smiles we offer an FDA approved method, NTI-tss, for prevention of headaches and migraines. Dr. Remerscheid will custom fit the comfortable, small device for you to sleep with. This prevents you from clenching the back teeth and allowing your jaw to relax.
Migraine Appliance - NTI-tss
The NTI-tss is a clear nightguard that covers the front four teeth. “So why only the front teeth and not the back teeth?” When you bite down on ONLY your front teeth the temporal muscles will remain relaxed. If you bite down on the back they will become tense. The NTI-tss device doesn’t allow the back teeth to touch so therefore you will diminish the muscle contractions taking place. This will help eliminate the headaches and migraines and get you on once again great sleep! If you are suffering from migraines due to clenching teeth, we highly encourage you to contact our office for a consultation. There is no need to live in pain!
Office Hours:
Mon: 8am – 12:30pm & 2-5PM
Tue: 8am – 12:30pm & 2-5PM
Wed: 8am – 12:30pm & 2-5PM
Thur: 8am – 12:30pm & 2-5PM
Friday: Closed
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed
Bentonville Smiles
3109 N. Walton Blvd.
Bentonville, AR 72712